These medallions are for children, family members, partners and carers that have endured an operational deployment of a loved one, with the Military Forces or the Federal Police.
Many of the medallions are inscribed on the reverse side, thanking the recipient "For Perseverance on the home front" (please read the items description for more detail)
The Medallions are 3cm wide and approx. 8cm in length. As seen on our logo, our emblem design includes an anchor, crossed rifles and a jet; representing all three military sectors. It also includes checkers across the top to represent federal police, laurel on the sides for remembrance and they are all under the southern cross. The finish is antique brass or silver.
Profits from the sale of our medallions are donated to groups supporting the families of injured and ill Veterans. Military Kids Recognition is the major sponsor of Operation PTSD Support. PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS TO PROCESS YOUR ORDER EXCEPT IN APRIL AND NOVEMBER WHEN WE AIM FOR 14 DAYS. POST TIMES ARE ON TOP OF THIS.